Time Waits for No One

TimeEvery time I start a new job (which has been quite a few times) I predict that that it’ll be curtains for semi-frequent, moderately coherent posting here. And then I always find a way. I’m only two days into my latest career venture (that’s a gazillion times more tolerable than anything in recent history) and I fear that pockets of daylight free time might be a distant memory for real. And I was hoping to get more articles in print for 2007. We’ll see. I think I need to curb my TV watching habit. Last night was my first Monday since August that I didn’t have to work until midnight (though I would use that often quiet shift to get shit done) so I binged on crap like Heroes, 24 and Flip That House. How do people with children get anything done (I’m not being facetious)?

Speaking of bundles of joy, my day was especially brightened this morning when I glanced at the New York Times, only to see my latest bete noire vilified with more medical evidence. If something’s in the Times, it’s got to be true: old dads are creating a generation of retards. So there.

16 thoughts on “Time Waits for No One

  1. Absolutely, Apple鈥檚 occasion store wins by using mile. It鈥檚 innumerable all varieties of apps vs a reasonably sad offering of an selection pertaining to Zune. Microsof firm has possibilities, especially through the realm of games, but I鈥檓 certainly not certain I鈥檇 would want to bet from the future in cases where this facet is important to men and women. The mp3 devices is surely an obviously greater choice in such cases.

  2. Zune and iPod: Most people today compare ones own Zune to the touch, but just after seeing how slim and surprisingly slighter and light it can also be, I ponder over it becoming a fairly exclusive hybrid they’ll combines attributes belonging to the two Touch along with Nano. It鈥檚 somewhat colorful and lovely OLED monitor is known as a little smaller unlike touch screen, but one itself comes across as being considerably smaller and lighter. It will be about 2/3 the, and will be noticeably slighter wide and even level, while being just a hair much bigger.

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