Inside the Bit Part Actors Studio

ConAgraThat Marie Callender’s commercial with Gale from Breaking Bad mystified me on many levels. Mostly because I couldn’t determine who the third party was seated at the dinner table. The woman seemed too old to be a daughter (though not if 39-year-old grandparents are in your realm of possibility) but maybe too young to be a family friend. A babysitter (but no baby)? Neighbor? I would say sister over a polyamorous arrangement probably.

And now I no longer have this conundrum to dwell on. Powers that be have removed her from the ad. Sucks to be her.

Also, Gale will be on Person of Interest with Ben from Lost on Thursday. I couldn't watch more than the first episode of this show, but I could be persuaded to watch this week.

Sometimes I wish I were young and jobless so that I could occupy Wall Street fill my days making silly Geocities-esqe sites—would that be Tumblr now?—about actors like David Costabile and Garret Dillahunt. I mean, that’s what zines were for when everyone was poor and underemployed in the ‘90s.

I'm not the only one who doesn't want to hear it from the young'uns.

3 thoughts on “Inside the Bit Part Actors Studio

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