27 Chins

HeiglOk, I've let this misunderstood category sit for a while, but I've been spurred back into action after reading this lovely backhanded compliment in Time Out NY's review of 27 Dresses, "…Heigl–her quivering double chin a welcome sight in a profession of dangerously low BMI…"  Really? So, now Katherine Heigl is reassuringly blubbery? Good to know.

Even though I have no problem with Sean of the Dead's Simon Pegg in general, the premise of his out of shape character once impregnating and being engaged to Thandie Newton is unbelievable enough, let alone his winning her back by running a marathon. Actually, I have no idea if he does win her back in Run, Fat Boy, Run because I could never bring myself to watch this thing.

I've wondered aloud many times why there's no female Jack Black (or Anthony Bourdain, for that matter) and my friend Sherri has posited that Mo'Nique may be the answer. Fat chance?  She doesn't have the universal appeal of Mr. Black, as she's relentlessly sassy and unapologetic (wow, wow, as I'm typing this, a new Jenny Craig ad with Queen Latifah came on. I'm not gung ho on any program, but I do think Weight Watchers is the most common sense commercial approach to weight loss and at least they use men in their endorsements like the guy from Heroes who can read people's thoughts) but I do see her point. In Phat Girlz she plays a fashion designer who dates hot dudes like that's a normal thing, not a freak show. It's campy and farcical, though. I need to see a fat woman paired with a traditionally handsome man in a drama to be completely sold.

4 thoughts on “27 Chins

  1. emigre: Sat. at the gym I read a month and a half old In Touch because it was the least boring thing they had and there was an article about how non-Hollywood Katherine Heigl’s body is. Yes, I do get that she’s not skeletal (unlike her costar Ellen Pompeo) but it’s not like the woman is even average by American standards. She’s taller and slimmer than most females I see walking around so I don’t know where this idea that she’s “regular” comes from.

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