I Am Adequate (and Sometimes Fail) In Everything I Set Out To Do

Askjeeves3dpeek My department is hiring, and it’s surprisingly hard to find someone library-ish who also has an ad/marketing background. (I especially wish I knew someone personally because I’d love the referral bonus.) 99% of the respondents we get to job ads are just wrong.

This morning I opened my inbox to the line “I excel in everything that I set out to do.” Hey, I know that. I couldn’t believe that the How to Avoid Writing an Awful Cover Letter lady (interesting, that many initially assumed it written by a man, including myself) skewered on Gawker back in August was one, still applying for jobs with that letter, and two, that that kind of cockiness would sway anyone with an MLS (never mind the not remotely qualified part).

And for the love of god, don’t mention Ask Jeeves.

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